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Individualized, Bible based and Mastery Learning.

A learner is placed in a level in which they can best perform and move forward. Fulfilling the learning gaps they might a missed previously. A learner may advance within a school year if he or she is able to complete their requirements before the school year ends.


Each learning material the child uses has Bible based principles embedded. Not only the learner is able to excel academically but more importantly develop good strong moral character.


Learning materials a child utilizes are modules which are work/text books that a child answers that is supervised by teachers. With it not only a child gets theoretical knowledge for each lesson they will get to know practical knowledge as well.​




Rock Hill School of Leadership utilizes the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) or the School of Tomorrow (SOT) System, a world class trend setter in Christian Education for over 50 years around the world. The system has been tried and proven to be very effective in providing all the basic academic disciplines as well as instilling Godly character into the lives of students.


To know more about the the School of Tomorrow® curriculum click the link below:


 School of Tomorrow®, Philippines 


SOT system provides students with academics, skill building, reading practice, character and wisdom training. The reading development and building skill upon skill progresses through high school, giving students a solid foundation for pursuing their life goals.


The curriculum is individualized through the use of modules, called PACEs (Packet of Accelerated Christian Education). These modules are bite-sized, achievable work-texts, each of which is equivalent to a chapter in a standard textbook.


The modules (PACEs) integrate character-building lessons into the academic content and are carefully designed to develop critical thinking skills and create mastery learning.

Each core subject consists of 12 Modules (PACEs) per level. Typical students work daily on one PACE in each subject and may be performing at varying levels. The diagnostic test results help to identify academic weaknesses and prescribe a path to help students catch up.


With PACEs

English │Math │Social Studies / Araling Panlipunan│Filipino │Word Building │Literature & Creative Writing │ Bible Reading


Non PACEs (Skill based)

Mother-Tongue Base (Level 1- 3) and other Language │Music│Arts│Physical Education │Health │Home Economics and Livelihood Education (Level 4 -6) / Technology and Livelihood Education (Level 7-10)

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